What's Inside Fast food restaurant incorporates braille into menus Audio description added to fossil park Senator Markey introduces very important disability civil rights legislation Blind woman labeled "transphobic" for complaint street art confused her guide dog And, about 50 more stories all about blindness and blind people from all over the world Editorial By Chris… Read more about WBH Weekly Blind News Digest – Edition 47
WBH Weekly Blind news Digest – Edition 46
What's Inside Low vision man arrested in Florida when police mistake his cane for a weapon Woman kicked out of London hotel because they didn't believe she was blind and had her dog with her New gaming device for blind players APH gets new web site with excellent search features Making New York City cross… Read more about WBH Weekly Blind news Digest – Edition 46
Sending Books to Prisoners
Yesterday, I learned that a friend of mine, a young woman for whom I care a real lot, was sentenced to 360 days in county jail in Florida. Today, I will follow the new Florida regulations and send her a few new books to read directly from Amazon, the only way that one can send… Read more about Sending Books to Prisoners