A few years ago, when I still wrote my now defunct blog, Blind Confidential, I posted an article called, “The Model T Syndrome” in which I blasted Android accessibility for being sorely substandard. Recently, my old buddy and fellow Freedom Scientific refugee, Marco Zehe wrote an excellent piece called “Switching to Android Full Time,” in… Read more about The Model T Syndrome Revisited
2013: The Year of the Book for Blinks
On Friday, as Twitter went ablaze with news of iOS 7, I celebrated nothing new from Apple but, rather, the long awaited BARD Mobile app from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). For the first time in history, a person with print impairment now has the largest collection of audio… Read more about 2013: The Year of the Book for Blinks
The Trouble With Physics Books
I enjoy reading science books written for lay people like me with no formal background or education in a particular field. My own science background doesn’t go beyond the introductory classes required to get any degree at NYU, basic biology, chemistry, physics and some social sciences. My computer science background was pretty good in 1983… Read more about The Trouble With Physics Books
Radio Days and Radio Nights
The sounds of baseball on the radio are, to me, the sounds of summer. The cadence of the play by play announcer provides the rhythm while the color commentators provide the melody. The slow pace of the game described along with baseball lore, anecdotes, history, statistics and the like bring me to what is, perhaps,… Read more about Radio Days and Radio Nights
An Atheist in a 12 Step Program
Hello, my name is Chris and I have a substance abuse disorder. “Hi Chris!” say the chorus of other addicts and alcoholics. I say a bit about what is going on in my life regarding recovery and I pass to the next person. This is how almost all 12-Step programs conduct their meetings. “But Gonz,… Read more about An Atheist in a 12 Step Program