“Continental drift causes an enormous level of financial hardship, personal tragedy property damage and destruction. Its earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami kill indiscriminately. Plate tectonics must be stopped!” said Doctor Genevieve Sitarski from the University of New Mexico, Peyote Campus in her keynote address at the Conference on Ending Plate Tectonics, held earlier this year at… Read more about Fighting Plate Tectonics
Spam From The Ghetto
A few days ago, I received an advertisement email from the Korean access technology company, HIMS. The email had the subject line, “Next Generation Braille Notetaker Just Released” and it described a $4000 device running some oddball version of Windows which had no more than a minimal set of features. Recently, former FS executive, Jonathan… Read more about Spam From The Ghetto
I Left My Hair in San Francisco
It’s been a long time since I last wrote a random musings article. In fact, I haven’t written anything like this since the BlindConfidential days. Lots of things cross my mind that may be interesting or amusing to our readers so I will write them down here and hope you people enjoy them. Locks of… Read more about I Left My Hair in San Francisco
Progress in Screen Reading: Android and iOS
Since my middle school days,I did all of my computing either with a braille notetaking device or on a computer. People told me that, with the limited vision I had, a screen magnifier would be the best access technology for me to use. So, for years I was convinced that screen magnification should be my… Read more about Progress in Screen Reading: Android and iOS
Android, iOS and Accessibility
I’d like to clarify some things I wrote in “The Model T Syndrome” article I posted yesterday. First, I was discussing accessibility for people like me, those with profound to total vision impairment who use a speech based screen reader. Second, I, in no way, hope to discuss other disabilities, including low vision, as I’ve… Read more about Android, iOS and Accessibility